But Prof. Clements is mighty grateful to Mr. Stone for one thing. At least in this book, he notes, Mr. Stone "refrains" from dreaming up love letters to women, such as Contessina and Clarissa Saffi-"those wraiths from the 'Agony.'"

Meanwhile, of course, "The Agony" is still on the best seller list, minting money like crazy by telling how hetero Michelangelo was. No doubt it will mint even more as a movie.

With Rock Hudson, maybe? He was quoted in a column a while back saying he'd like to branch out in acting roles, maybe "even homosexual."

That would be casting with a twist. Or two.


Operation Decoy is what NYC cops call their drag act of dressing up policemen as women and having them saunter through parks to entrap pursesnatchers, molesters, and rapists. According to newspaper accounts, it is very productive of arrests. Wives and mother-inlaws help get up the drag and coach the cops. Some of the policemen found they were so attractive as women that they were bothered mainly by mashers, so they had to do an aging and uglifying process.

We're wondering how many young transvestites have delightedly signed up to make a career with the NYC Police Force. Transvestites have always had a tough time finding legitimate employment. We've long been used to the police brazenly using entrapment, so we won't even bother to wail about that. Instead, we'll just look on the rosy


side and keep the NYC Police Department in mind as possible referral for the next out-of-work transvestite that comes to ONE's Social Service Department.


Famed Italian movie producer Fellini raised holy hell because Italy's government-run TV network cut out of I Vitelloni a minute section showing the hero being refused a job with a comedy troupe because he wasn't a homosexual like all the others. Fellini said it was "an indispensable part" . . . The Rentals To Share ads in LA TIMES are still kicky-and obvious. Evidently one hetero man got tired of saying no -his recent ad runs "STRAIGHT working man wishes to share his home w/same" . . . The censors in England (where female homosexuality isn't even mentioned in the laws) ruled that children may not attend The Children's Hour and changed the title to The Loudest Whisper... The asking price by England's Royal Academy for da Vinci's "Virgin and Child with St. John the Baptist and St. Anne" was $2,240,000.00 . . . Spokesmen for birth control are saying that the exploding population is a greater danger to mankind than extinction from the A-bomb... An ad in the Saturday Review for a book called Love In Ancient Greece is headed with the quote "Take a courtesan for pleasure, a wife for heirs, but look elsewhere for ecstasy" . . . Heard about the Frenchman who came to this country, and they asked him if he'd seen the movie, Lolita? "No," he says, "what's it about?" "A man who is in love with," they said, "a 12-year-old." "Well," calmly asks the Frenchman, "a 12-year-old what?"